Posts Tagged With: bean cakes

DIY veggie burgers… the basics

All this newly found information about the pink goo that McDonald’s had in their burgers is surely getting some folks more interested in finding out the facts about what is in the food we are consuming. I have to say it is pretty disgusting what the FDA will allow … The good news is that the more we find out, the more we want to eliminate the crap and make out own food and often meat products. The bad news is that just eliminating meat isn’t going to cut the crap, so to speak. Many vegetarian alternatives are just as processed. So .. by popular demand, here is a basic veggie (bean ) burger you can easily make at home…..


2 cans beans ( your choice, I often use kidney. even better, use organic)

2 eggs, beaten

a good pinch of sea salt

a good pinch of black pepper

dry oatmeal (about a cup )

1 cup fresh spinach

olive oil

what you will do:

1.preheat oven to 375

2. drain and rinse beans

3. mash beans… you can do this by hand, or in a food processor. If using a food processor, add a little olive oil and a splash of water to help out!

4. Mix remaining ingredients together with the beans. The mixture should be wet, but not runny. If it seems too wet, add more oatmeal.

5. Now , here is the messy part! Using your hands make patties … the size is really a personal preference, but thinner patties cook faster and stay together better…..

6. Place patties on cookie sheet and lightly coat the top with olive oil. sprinkle lightly with sea salt

7. Place patties in oven. Cooking time will vary , depending on the patty size, but for me it is about 45 minutes. When the patties begin to look crisp on the outside, carefully flip over and coat the other side with olive oil and a sprinkle of sea salt, place back in oven until crisp.

Ta-da! you just made veggie burgers!!!  Now you can add other ingredients to the mix!

suggestions and some of my favorites:

diced mushrooms, feta cheese, garlic, fresh rosemary, onions, chopped black olives,  shredded carrots, water chestnuts….



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